Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Chapter IX

For three more days we continued traipsing about looking for work, coming home for diminishing meals of soup and bread in my bedroom. There were now two gleams of hope. In the first place, Boris had heard of a possible job at Hotel Deux, near the Goose Fair roundabout, and in the second, the curator of the new arts centre in the Lace Market had at last been appointed. We went down in the afternoon and saw him. On the way Boris talked of the vast fortunes we should make if we got this job, and on the importance of making a good impression on the curator.

'Appearance--appearance is everything, my friend. Give me a new suit and I will borrow a thousand pounds by dinner-time. What a pity I did not buy a collar when we had money. I turned my collar inside out this morning; but what is the use, one side is as dirty as the other. Do you think I look hungry, my friend.'

'You look pale.'

'Curse it, what can one do on bread and potatoes? It is fatal to look hungry. It makes people want to kick you. Wait.'

He stopped at a jeweller's window and smacked his cheeks sharply to bring the blood into them. Then, before the flush had faded, we hurried into the restaurant and introduced ourselves to the patron.

The curator was a short, very dignified man with wavy grey hair, dressed in a smart, double-breasted flannel suit and smelling of scent. Boris told me that he too was an ex-student at the Royal Academy. His wife was there too, a Frenchwoman with a dead-white face and scarlet lips, reminding me of cold veal and tomatoes. The curator greeted Boris genially, and they talked together in Russian for a few minutes. I stood in the background, preparing to tell some big lies about my experience as a dish-washer.

Then the curator came over towards me. I shuffled uneasily, trying to look servile. Boris had rubbed it into me that a potwash is a slave's slave, and I expected the curator to treat me like dirt. To my astonishment, he seized me warmly by the hand.

'So you are an Englishman!' he exclaimed. 'But how charming! I need not ask, then, whether you are a golfer?'

‘Of course,' I said, seeing that this was expected of me.

'All my life I have wanted to play golf. Will you, my dear sir, be so kind as to show me a few of the principal strokes?'

Apparently this was the visual arts way of doing business. The curator listened attentively while I explained the difference between a driver and an iron and told him I played most Sundays at Woodthorpe Grange Pitch and Putt, and then suddenly informed me that it was all sorted; Boris was to be Head Waiter when the restaurant opened, and I potwash, with a chance of rising to lavatory attendant if trade was good. When would the arts centre open? I asked. 'Exactly a fortnight from today,' the curator answered grandly (he had a manner of waving his hand and flicking off his cigarette ash at the same time, which looked very grand), 'exactly a fortnight from today, in time for lunch.' Then, with obvious pride, he showed us over the plans.

It was a smallish place, consisting of a bar, a dining-room, and a kitchen no bigger than the average bathroom. The curator was decorating it in a trumpery 'minimalist' style (he called it ‘the norm’); it was a matter of designer wallpaper stuck on the plaster, and the like) and proposed to call it the CCAN Bistro, to give a continental effect. He had a leaflet printed, full of lies about the historical associations of the quarter, and this leaflet actually claimed, among other things, that there had once been an inn on the site of the restaurant which was frequented by Richard Bonington. The curator was very pleased with this touch. He was also having the bar decorated with indecent pictures by an artist from Nottingham Studios. Finally he gave us each an expensive cigarette, and after some more talk he went home.

I felt strongly that we should never get any good from this restaurant. The curator had looked to me like a relational aestheticist, and, what was worse, a post-structuralist relational aestheticist, and I had seen two unmistakable interns hanging about the back door. But Boris, seeing himself a Head Waiter once more, would not be discouraged.

'We've brought it off--only a fortnight to hold out. What is a fortnight? Fuck me. To think that in only three weeks I shall have my mistress! Will she be dark or fair, I wonder? I don't mind, so long as she is not too thin.'

Two bad days followed. We had only sixty pence left, and we spent it on half a pound of bread, with a piece of garlic to rub it with. The point of rubbing garlic on bread is that the taste lingers and gives one the illusion of having fed recently. We sat most of that day in the Arboretum. Boris had shots with stones at the tame pigeons, but always missed them, and after that we wrote dinner menus on the backs of envelopes. We were too hungry even to try and think of anything except food. I remember the dinner Boris finally selected for himself. It was: a dozen oysters, bortch soup (the red, sweet, beetroot soup with cream on top), crayfishes, a young chicken casserole, beef with stewed plums, new potatoes, a salad, suet pudding and Roquefort cheese, with a litre of Burgundy and some old brandy. Boris had international tastes in food. Later on, when we were prosperous, I occasionally saw him eat meals almost as large without difficulty.

When our money came to an end I stopped looking for work, and was another day without food. I did not believe that the CCAN bistro was really going to open, and I could see no other prospect, but I was too lazy to do anything but lie in bed. Then the luck changed abruptly. At night, at about ten o'clock, I heard an eager shout from the street. I got up and went to the window. Boris was there, waving his stick and beaming. Before speaking he dragged a bent loaf from his pocket and threw it up to me.

'My friend, my dear friend, we're saved! What do you think?'

'Surely you haven't got a job!'

'At Hotel Deux, near the Goose Fair roundabout -- five hundred pounds a month, and food. I have been working there today. Name of Jesus Christ, how I have eaten!'

After ten or twelve hours' work, and with his game leg, his first thought had been to walk three kilometres to my hotel and tell me the good news! What was more, he told me to meet him in the Arboretum the next day during his afternoon interval, in case he should be able to steal some food for me. At the appointed time I met Boris on a public bench. He undid his waistcoat and produced a large, crushed, newspaper packet; in it were some minced veal, a wedge of Gamembert cheese, bread and an eclair, all jumbled together.

'Voila!' said Boris, 'that's all I could smuggle out for you. The landlord is a cunning swine.'

It is disagreeable to eat out of a newspaper on a public seat, especially in the Arboretum, which is generally full of pretty girls, but I was too hungry to care. While I ate, Boris explained that he was working in the bar of the hotel. It appeared that the bar was the only part of the hotel that was open, and a dreadful come-down for a waiter, but it would do until the CCAN Bistro opened. Meanwhile I was to meet Boris every day in the Arboretum, and he would smuggle out as much food as he dared. For three days we continued with this arrangement, and I lived entirely on the stolen food. Then all our troubles came to an end, for one of the potwashers left Hotel Deux, and on Boris's recommendation I was given a job there myself.

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